Catch the Ace

We are so excited to launch Catch the Ace—the Alzheimer Society’s first-ever provincial online raffle.

Catch the Ace—the Alzheimer Society’s first-ever provincial online raffle

GIVE big to WIN big with Catch the Ace!

Tickets start at $10 for 3 and provide you with a chance to win BIG in both a weekly prize and a larger progressive jackpot with 50% of all ticket sales going to the Alzheimer Society.

How it works

  1. Purchase your tickets and choose an envelope that might contain the Ace of Spades.
  2. Wait until the draw weekly draw Thursday at 6:30 PM to see if your ticket is chosen. If it is, you’ll win 20% of that week’s ticket sales. If your card is the Ace of Spades, you’ll also win the Catch the Ace Progressive Jackpot.
  3. If your card is not the Ace of Spades, the progressive jackpot will continue to grow and that card is removed from the deck, increasing the chances of catching the ace next week!
  4. Weekly draws continue until the Ace of Spades is caught.


You Win. The Community Wins.