Update: COVID-19

The pandemic has had a major impact on our community especially for those living with dementia and their caregivers and families. 

We have implemented the following measures to continue to keep our staff and clients safe, while still providing the support that is so desperately needed at this time.

DAY program staff hosting a seated exercise class in full PPE

UPDATE: March 20, 2023

The acute phase of the pandemic may be waning, and many public health restrictions have been lifted yet health authorities are still urging caution with respect to COVID-19.   We are working towards a “new normal” at our AS York D.A.Y. Centres.  

We are pleased to offer expanded program days to our clients in a non-cohorted format as of March 2023.  This means that clients are now able to work with their social worker and program manager to select a wider availability of attendance days to a maximum of 4 days per week.   

This expansion of services will also see our daily attendance numbers for our participants increase to 16 per day.  The goal over the summer months will be to gradually increase to larger groups, while still adhering to Covid-19 safety protocols.  

Covid-19 safety protocols will continue to be in place to help us operate safely. Staff continue to use personal protective equipment (PPE), ensuring that masks are worn consistently.  Clients are encouraged to wear masks while in program, as much as they are able to tolerate. Screening is robust. Staff actively screen clients prior to each program visit.  Active screening means that the staff must ask specific questions about symptoms and any possible exposures to the virus. Please remember to keep your person home if there are any symptoms: this ensures that our program remains safe and remains operational. 

We look forward to a safe, healthy and engaging day program in the coming months. 



UPDATE: December 14, 2022

As Covid-19 continues to affect those around us, Alzheimer Society of York Region is closely following our enhanced safety protocols to protect clients, caregivers, staff, students, volunteers and the community from Covid-19. We are working with Ontario Health Central's IPAC supports and York Region Public Health to safely operate and keep everyone safe at the Aurora, Thornhill and Stouffville D.A.Y. Centre.

Over the course of 2022, we have extended our hours of operation in the D.A.Y. Centres as well as our capacity to serve a greater number of clients.

As of November, 2022 Alzheimer Society of York Region's D.A.Y. Program hours of service has been extended in the Aurora and Thornhill D.A.Y. Centres to 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


UPDATE: January 31, 2022.

With the recent changes in Ontario, many of the restrictions put in place this January have been lifted. We are pleased to announce that we are gradually and cautiously reopening our face-to-face day programming commencing January 31, 2022.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at 905-726-3477 or info@alzheimer-york.com


UPDATE: January 14, 2022.

We are facing an unprecedented and rapid rise in COVID-19 infection rates. Over the last two weeks it has been very challenging to provide consistent service in our adult day programs, as an increasing more and more of our families have been affected by illness.

In addition, supplies to reduce risk, such as rapid antigen test kits, masks, and cleaning agents have become more difficult to procure in a timely fashion.

Out of an abundance of caution and in order to continue to keep staff and clients safe, we have decided to temporarily suspend in-person adult day programming services effective January 14th, 2022 to January 30th, 2022. This was a difficult decision but necessary to reduce risk, and to prevent further spread of COVID-19.

It is anticipated that the suspension will be lifted and that services will resume on January 31st, 2022. In the mean time we will continue to operate our virtual D.A.Y. program, daily and we hope to see all of your faces in a few weeks time. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us 


UPDATE: January 3, 2022.

Ontario Government News Release & Immediate Impact on AS York

In response to the rapid rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations, the Ontario government announced on Monday January 3, 2022 that they are temporarily moving to a “Modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen”.

Based on this latest announcement and the surge of COVID-19 (Omicron variant) cases in our communities, the Alzheimer Society of York Region (AS York) has implemented new protocols for our staff and clients as well as client families/caregivers. 

Although we are waiting for additional details, the immediate impact on AS York is as follows, based on staff capacity/wellness, and the need for the provision of safe service:

  • All staff will continue to work at home to the extent possible. In the event that administrative staff are required to come in they will require proof of a negative rapid antigen testing and pass the updated screening protocols. 
  • Adult Day Programs at Aurora, Thornhill and Stouffville will continue to provide on-site service. 
  • Out of an abundance of caution, van service has been cancelled over the next three weeks.
  • Clients and caregivers have been notified of any of the relevant changes.


UPDATE: January 2022

AS York Actions January 2022

In December 2021 we provided all staff with rapid antigen test kits and will require a negative result before entering any of our facilities going forward. 

During the holidays we have installed more HEPA filters into our facilities and will be updating our screening protocols to ensure the safest possible precautions are being taken. PPE and proper hand hygiene will continue as it has been done before the holiday closure. 

Self-assessment screening and exposure protocols on the Ontario.ca site have been updated:

Various staff members in full PPE

AS York continues to be responsive given recent provincial announcements and are increasing our processes to do all we can to keep clients safe while continuing to provide vital support and services to those living with dementia.