Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is available for download and your review.

Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan

The Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan (ASOS) knows how important your privacy is to you. Our relationship with you is founded on trust and we are committed to maintain that trust.  The ASOS recognizes that your right to privacy is an essential issue and understands your interest in protecting your personal information.  For these reasons, the ASOS Privacy Policy incorporates high standards as set out in federal and provincial Canadian privacy legislation and confirms our dedication to protecting your privacy and maintaining the trust you have in our organization.


Our complete policy may be view and downloaded.

Imagine Canada

We are accredited by Imagine Canada for excellence in non-profit accountability, transparency and governance.

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Imagine Canada

Board of Directors

Our Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization through sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the Society has adequate resources to advance our mission.

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Annual Reports and Finances

Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan Annual Reports provide highlights of our mission-driven activities, donor information and financial statements.

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Accountability graphic