Recreation Kit Social Group Presenter


Call for talents! Our new Activation/Recreation Kits are designed to engage people living with dementia in a purposeful task, providing cognitive stimulation and social connection.

Woman's hand holding a paint brush with strokes of colour on paper.

We are looking for passionate volunteers who can provide industry expertise in the design of these themed kits and who can lead an interactive online social group, presenting engaging content related to the theme and contents of the kit. Past and possible future themes include horticulture, arts/crafts, wellness/self-care. If you have a passion, hobby or job you’d like to share with our clients, we’d love to hear from you!

Are you already a registered volunteer with ASDR? Simply log in to your account and sign up for the position!  Click Here to log in to your account > go to ‘Opportunities’ tab >  Click on the position you want to sign up for > Click ‘sign up’!  

If you haven’t joined our volunteer team yet, no worries! Click here to create an account and get onboard our awesome volunteer team! (Please make sure to choose the position you’re interested in when you check your areas of interest.)