Programs and services

The Alzheimer Society of Cornwall and District provides support, information and education to those living with dementia, their care partners and families no matter the stage of the journey. We serve the counties of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott-Russell, the city of Cornwall and Akwesasne.


For the person living with dementia, the changes caused by the disease can be challenging.  These changes can also be difficult for families and friends.  The Alzheimer Society provides help for today and hope for tomorrow the form of support programs.  To access any of these, please call the office. 


Our First Link and Family Support team can help individuals and families understand dementia, the symptoms and work with them to find strategies to live well.  This type of support is offered in-person, over the telephone and/or virtually.

Peer Support Groups

Led by an experienced facilitator, groups of individuals living with dementia and/or care partners connect in a group setting.  Usually held monthly, participants support and learn from each other. Offered in-person and virtually.

Connecting to the Right Services

Navigating the healthcare system and community support services can be challenging.  It is important to find the right supports for the person with dementia and their care partners. 

Your Family Support Team knows the community very well and can help you navigate and find the services that are right for you.

There is a website called Caredove that can connect clients directly with care.  This resource lets you see what services are available to you.  In addition, you can choose and book the ones that work for you directly. Caredove

Engagement/Recreational Programs

Opportunities to connect with others as well as to engage in activities are an important part of life.  The Society provides opportunities with programs such as Minds in Motion for both the person who lives with dementia and their care partnerr to connect with others in a social environment as well as activity kits (supplies are limited) for use in the home.  Contact us to learn more about dates, eligibility and availability.


Learning more about dementia and the changes it brings can make a big difference in daily life.  The Society provides several ways for you to learn more about this disease:


Our Family Support team helps individuals and their families learn about dementia, including the type of dementia, symptoms and strategies for daily life. Understanding the disease is the first step in developing strategies to keep the person with dementia engaged and living well.

Educational sessions

The Society provides in-person and virtual learning opportunities for those living with dementia, their caregiver, their families and friends to help them understand the disease and strategies to live well.

Topics include:

  • What is dementia?
  • How to communicate
  • Understanding responsive behaviour
  • Adapting activities of daily living to abilities

We also provide sessions for the general public on dementia and brain health.  In addition, we offer sessions to health care providers to help them provide better dementia care.

Our Dementia Friendly training helps groups and businesses understand the everyday experiences of people living with dementia, so they can better accommodate their needs and help them live well in the community.


This website provides all kinds of information to help you learn more.  About Dementia is a good place to start.