Webinars about dementia 2021

Brookside Court & The Renoir Retirement Communities hosted a two-part webinar featuring Jaime Cruz, the public education coordinator, at the Alzheimer Society of York Region - What is dementia and Communications and Behaviours. You can watch these two webinars here.

Head and shoulder shot of an adult woman hugging a senior woman. Both are looking to the left.

Dementia effects the entire family. Learn more about this disease and the people living with it.

Visit our events calendar for upcoming programs. 

What is Dementia?

What is the difference between Alzheimer's disease and dementia? Dementia is an umbrella term that covers a range of cognitive conditions. Come learn about the most common types of dementia, how the symptoms present themselves and how diagnoses are made.



Communications and Behaviours

Alzheimer's disease affects many aspects of daily living including communication and behavior. By examining the ways in which caregivers and an individual living with dementia communicate, we can learn ways to have effective communication. Responsive behaviours can be an aspect of living with dementia and understanding the meaning behind the behaviours will help caregivers respond and create effective strategies.



Our people

Meet some of the people working to create a kinder, more inclusive and supportive place for people living with dementia.

Learn more
Pictures of Alzheimer Society of York Regions staff