Memory Café


By attending a Memory Café, people living with memory loss and those who care about them can come together and socialize in a safe and engaging environment.

memory cafe

To register and learn more, please contact:

Angela Meraw, Operations Manager


Phone: 613-962-0892 

About Memory Café

Memory Café is a social gathering where people with memory loss and those who care about the, come together in a safe and engaging environment.

This is an opportunity to make new friends and connect with others who may be having similar experiences.

The monthly sessions are loosely structured, with a positive focus and offering options of refreshments, information gathering, creativity and more!

Pre-registration is preferred, please call any of our offices to learn more.


Memory Café is now VIRTUAL!

Memory Café with Sharon Osvald 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10 am—noon  

Tyendinaga Memory Café with Lorraine Ross Last Thursday of the month, 2 pm—4 pm 

Memory Café with with Sharon Brewster - The 2nd Monday of the month, 10:30—noon