Mission, Vision and Values
We believe that every person is valuable and that a diagnosis of dementia does not eliminate a person's right to be treated with respect and consideration.

To learn more about our approach to person-centered care, contact us at one of our Regional Offices or toll-free at: 1-866-950-5465.
Our Vision
Each person living with dementia, and those supporting them, can thrive as we focus on care today and a cure for tomorrow.
Our Mission
The Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories brings awareness to Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias; helps alleviate the personal and social consequences of the disease; provides education and support programs; and, promotes and funds research into the cause, prevention and cure.
Our Values
Our values are “CARE: Collaboration, Accountability, Respect, and Empathy.”
Our Guiding Principles
We focus on using person-centred language and support the following principles:
- Personhood: A standing or status that is bestowed upon one human being, by others, in the context of relationship and social being. It implies recognition, respect and trust. -Kitwood, T.M.Dementia Reconsidered: the person comes first. p. cm. - (Rethinking Aging series)
- Dignity and respect: To create positive conditions where the person can live without fear of shame or ridicule; where people are treated with warmth and authenticity; listened to without judgment and are given opportunity for self-determination and self-expression.
- Acceptance and understanding: To accept each person with unconditional positive regard; to accept the behaviour as a form of communication which expresses unmet needs or emotions; and to assist the person to continue to enjoy basic personal freedoms.
- Relationships: To support and preserve present relationships; to support the person in the development of other positive relationships.
- Recognition and individuality: To recognize the individuality of each person with their own unique life experiences, personality, values, beliefs and opinions; to have these factors respected and incorporated in support planning.
- Relationships of trust: To provide the conditions necessary to satisfy fundamental needs and create a climate for personal realization by providing a relationship based on trust. In a relationship of trust, the person knows confidences are respected; choice and control are maintained and the person will not be abandoned.
Forget Me Not Symbol
The Alzheimer Society uses the Forget Me Not flower as a symbol to represent memory loss, one of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. It is also a reminder to remember people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and their caregivers.
The three flowers in the symbol represent the person with dementia, the caregiver, and the Alzheimer Society.